children's ministry
Craig Zellar, Assistant Pastor to Children and Youth
Our church offers Christian education classes during the school year (Sundays 10:45-11:30 a.m.) as well as other special events, programs, and worship opportunities for young children. All our Sunday worship services include a children’s sermon for children through 6th grade, with the children dismissed to Sunday School after the children's Sermon. On the first Sunday of the month, there is a Children's Worship in Fellowship Hall and the Second Sunday is Circle Worship for grades 3-12 after the Children's Sermon. Grades 3-12 also host the Coffee Hour on the first Sunday of the month during the school year. Four times a year we have an intergenerational "Messy Church" event for all ages.
Childcare is available during the 10:30 worship service. All children under the age of five may receive childcare through the entire service. Children aged 5 through 2nd grade may receive childcare following the children’s sermon when there is no Sunday School.