Ministry Teams
UCC in Bayberry encourages all of its members to receive and offer the ministry of Christ. The church’s organization is designed to encourage active lay leadership and participation in sharing God’s love.
The governing body of the congregation is the Church Council, consisting of six members, each serving staggered two-year terms. The Council meets monthly along with the church officers. Its primary business is to support and oversee six ministry teams, which are as follows:
The Christian Development Ministry Team focuses on the Christian education and development of children and adults by conducting church school and other educational programs for the various age groups.
The Worship and Music Ministry Team coordinates the provision for all services of worship, including bulletins, communion and pulpit supplies, banners and other sanctuary decorations. This Team also focuses on the broader content and spiritual atmosphere of worship services and music.
The Missions Team focuses on the Church’s broader outreach ministry to the world around us, including the UCC National missions programs, our Church’s local food pantry, local ecumenical programs with other area churches and missions-oriented organizations.
The Evangelism Ministry Team seeks ways to promote our church's presence in the community and invite people to participate in the worship, fellowship, and ministry and mission of our church. Our primary motivation for welcoming new people is to advance the gospel of Christ in a world that is in need of God’s love and our care.
The Buildings and Grounds Ministry Team focuses on all aspects of the real property of the church, including repairs and maintenance to the property, supervising use of building and grounds, evaluating renovations or expansions to facilities, analyzing property insurance coverage and costs, and evaluating potential sales, purchases or mortgages on church real property.
The Finance Ministry Team focuses on stewardship and fund-raising, authorization of expenditures in accordance with the annual budget, review of the operating budget vis-à-vis actual expenditures during the year, and preparation of the annual church budget for submission to the Church Council. They also conduct annual audits of the church financial records at the end of the year, and ensure that all church funds are safeguarded by establishing and maintaining proper cash controls, internal accounting controls and financial controls and through the maintenance of proper insurance coverage.
In addition to these teams, the Diaconate assists the Pastor in ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of the congregation. Deacons visit sick and homebound members, ascertain how members with physical or spiritual needs can be best served, assist in the service of Holy Communion and anointing, and assist in counseling members on spiritual matters. Nine deacons, each serving staggered three-year terms, are elected by the congregation.