We not only nurture community within our congregation, we also reach out into the world with God’s love. Here are some ways we are engaged in missions.
We operate a food pantry that distributes food boxes via curbside pickup on a monthly basis that provide three-day food supplies to needy families in our area. Unless otherwise noted, our food pantry is open on the second Tuesday of each month from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. For emergency food assistance at other times, contact the church office (315-652-6789).
We support our denomination's mission work (Our Church's Wider Mission) across the United States and around the world with funds from our regular operating budget as well as special offerings.
We have an active relationship with Church World Service. We participate in their annual CROP Walk to fight hunger and raise money to purchase blankets for needy families around the world.
We support Operation Southern Comfort, a locally-based effort to rebuild homes destroyed in the New Orleans area by Hurricane Katrina, and Operation Northern Comfort, which does home repair work in our region.
We supply volunteers to the Syracuse chapter of Habitat for Humanity.
Groups from our congregation occasionally prepare and serve meals at the Samaritan Center in downtown Syracuse.
During Advent, our Giving Tree holds tags listing toys to be purchased for children of needy families in our community.