church library
Monica Minion, Librarian
Mission Statement
The mission of the library of the United Church of Christ is Bayberry is to provide books that will promote an understanding of our Christian faith and heritage, as well as provide resources to help members grow and nurture their spiritual lives in their faith journey. Books to promote understanding of other faiths will be available. Non-religious materials, which may be of benefit to our members, are also included in limited amounts.

The version of the Bible translation is listed on the second line of the call number, and a complete listing of the versions available is found at the end of this section.
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The focus of this category is exploring the bible and its meaning to us and to our lives. These books are divided into 5 sub-categories: Bible Commentaries (BC), Bible Criticism and Interpretation (BCI), Bible Study (BS), Bible History (BH) and Bible Related (BR).
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Christian Life
The focus of this category is developing and living your life as a Christian. The books are divided into 6 sub-categories: Christian Life (CL), Devotions and Meditations (DEV), Inspirational (INS), Prayer (P). Spiritual Life (SL), and Theology (TH).
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Church Related
The focus of this category is the history and ministries associated with the church. The books are divided into 7 sub-categories: Church History (CH), Church Management (CM), Church Related (CR), Ministry (MIN), UCC Related (UCC), Worship (WOR) and Youth Ministry (YM).
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World Religions
We feel that is important to develop an understanding of other religions. Books that will help to develop that understanding are found here.
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These are books that we feel will be of benefit to our congregation, but do not fit the above categories. The books are divided into 7 sub-categories: Bereavement/Grief (BER), Biography (BIO), Christian Literature (LIT), Health Related (HR), Marriage/Family (MF), Psychology (PSY) and Social Concerns (SC).
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Children's Books
These books are on the small bookcase. The books are all geared towards children and range from children’s Bible and Bible stories, to books about grief, social concerns, etc.
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