UCC Nursery School

Sarah Bentley, Director
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2025-2026 Open House and Registration Night
January 30th - 6:00pm-7:00pm
Call today for details

Call 315-652-3650 or Email nurseryschool@uccbayberry.org

Play, learn and grow...together!

All activities include (as a goal) the development of self-esteem and mutual respect.

The UCC Nursery School is a private pre-school that has been serving families of the greater Liverpool community since 1965! The school is sponsored by the United Church of Christ in Bayberry and is nonsectarian and open to all. The Church Council employs a professional director. Together they carry out the planning and administration of the school.

Registration begins on January 1, 2025 for families currently enrolled in our program. Open enrollment for the public begins February 1, 2025.

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Working with kids at UCC Nursery School

UCC nursery school

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about our program

Our Pre-School programs provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of each child. This is accomplished through a variety of activities and experiences appropriate to each child's developmental stage. We offer this high quality program by investing in a staff of dedicated and experienced teachers. Our staff is caring and compassionate, filled with excitement and vision, helping young children thrive in a classroom setting!

Learning takes place as children touch, manipulate, and experiment with a variety of materials and interact with teachers and classmates. Creative expression is encouraged with emphasis placed on the process, not necessarily the product. All activities include (as a goal) the development of self-esteem and mutual respect.

Field trips and classroom visitors expand the children's knowledge of their world. A snack is provided by the parents each school day, and children are sometimes encouraged to help with preparation of the snack.

An outdoor, fenced-in play area with play equipment is provided. The playground was renovated in 1998 and is accessible to those with special needs. The wooded area behind the church is used for nature walks and gardening. Outdoor activities are planned daily, weather permitting.

‍The Preschool Special Education Department of the Liverpool School District available to the UCC Nursery School staff for any children requiring extra support and services.support staff in ourbuilding each year. Together, we strive to give all children a successful start in their educational career.


UCC Nursery School requires that your child be 2 years of age for the Playgroup and 3 and 4 years of age for the Nursery School programs all by December 1 of year of enrollment. Enrollment is limited and based on a first come, first served basis. We reserve the right to cancel and/or combine one or more classes if enrollment is insufficient.

A two-weeks written notice must be given to the Director before withdrawing a child. Tuition is due for those two weeks. Full tuition is due regardless of a child's attendance.

All children entering the 3 and 4-year-old programs must be toilet trained. An updated immunization record is required for each student enrolled.

classes offered for the 2024-2025 school year

September 2024 - June 2025

Playgroup (2 year old program - Annual Tuition $2475)

  1. Monday/Wednesday Mornings - 9:15 to 11:15
  2. Tuesday/Thursday Mornings - 9:15 to 11:15

Pre-School (3 year old program)

1. Five Day Classes (Annual Tuition $3135)  
       Monday to Friday Mornings - 9:00 to 11:30

2. Three Day Classes (Annual Tuition $2475)  
       Monday/Wednesday/Friday Mornings - 9:00 to 11:30

3. Two-Day Program (Annual Tuition $2310)
       Tuesday/Thursday Mornings - 9:00-11:30

Pre-School (4 year old program)

  1. Three-day Classes (Annual Tuition $2475) 
       Monday/Wednesday/Friday Mornings - 9:00 to 11:30

  2. Five-day Classes (Annual Tuition $3135.)
       Monday to Friday Mornings 9:00-11:30

The area for the three-year-old program was custom built to accommodate this program. The space was specially designed for this program and was added as a part of additional space built onto the church in 2004 and 2005.

The classroom area for the four-year-old program was designed specifically for the Nursery School in 1975. It is comprised of a group of learning centers which provide an effective system of supervision with freedom. It is well lit and cheerful.

All classrooms are equipped with their own bathroom.


Registration begins on January 1, 2024 for families currently enrolled in our program. Open enrollment for the public begins February 1, 2024.

All registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis, while maintaining a reasonable boy-girl ratio in each class. If your child is enrolled, your registration is nonrefundable.

    want more information?

    UCC Nursery School
    215 Blackberry Road
    Liverpool, NY 13090
    Telephone: 315-652-3650

    interested in arranging a tour?

    If you would like to arrange a tour of the UCC Nursery School, please fill out the form below.

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