music ministry
Joan VanDuser, Music Director
The purpose of the United Church of Christ in Bayberry Music Ministry is to serve God and our congregational community through the joyous gift of music. By using the musical talents God has bestowed on us and working to develop those talents to the best of our abilities, we strive to lead the congregation in worship each week, to provide inspiration through music as it expresses and interprets the scriptures in worship, and to help raise the hearts and voices of all in praise and thanksgiving. Click the PLAY SAMPLE links below to hear samples of music from the groups listed below.

Chancel Choir
The backbone of our music program, the Chancel Choir traditionally sings during the 10:30 worship service on Sunday. Repertoire includes a spectrum of traditional literature as well as contemporary anthems and service music. Prior experience and ability to read music is not required. Ages high school through adult.

Carillon Ringers
The Carillon Ringers, our handbell group, is an intergenerational group of people from 4th grade through adult. We perform a wide variety of pieces utilizing various techniques on a 3-octave set of bells. This is a fun and rewarding activity for family members to do together. Experience and ability to read music are not required.

Men's Group
Our men’s group explores traditional hymns and gospel songs arranged for men’s voices. Ages high school through adult. Ability to read music is not required.

Grace Notes
This group is open to all women who enjoy lifting their voices in song. Ages high school through adult. Ability to read music is not required.

Children's Choir
This program is designed for children in grades 1-6. It provides opportunities for participants to experience fun, fellowship, and worship through music. It also gives them a chance to make a significant contribution to the worship services by providing special music.